
The priority application deadline for Fall 2025 is April 15, 2025.

Requirements for JD All Applicants

  • All law school applicants are required to have completed or expect to complete a bachelor's degree from an accredited four-year university or college by the time law school classes begin in August. Accepted applicants must furnish official final transcripts indicating receipt of a bachelor's degree, as well as completion of any work in progress when the application was filed. If admitted, an official transcript showing the conferral of the bachelor's degree must be mailed directly from the college or university to the Office of Admissions prior to the start of the fall term. Alternatively, official transcripts sent to LSAC to be included in your JD CAS report can be used to fulfill this requirement as long as the transcript is dated 2020 or later and notes the degree conferral date.

    Please note that applicants who have been previously disqualified from law school must wait at least two years after disqualification before they can apply to USF and can only do so as a new, first year law student. Such applicants will be required to submit an official law school transcript in addition to all other college transcripts.

  • The Admissions Committee requires that each applicant submit a personal statement to supplement the application form. The statement is used by the Committee as both a source of additional information and as a writing sample, but it is not a substitute for the application.   

    The statement should focus on your interest in and motivation for the study of law. The Committee is interested in your personal experiences, background, accomplishments and relevant obstacles overcome. You might consider sharing with the Committee relevant information about your work experience and career achievement, community or public service, career goals, the ability to contribute to law school programs and specializations, evidence of and potential for leadership, language ability, unusual life experiences, etc. that indicate you may significantly diversify the student body or make a distinctive contribution to the School of Law or the legal profession.   

    Personal statements tend to average 2 to 4 pages in length; however, there is no page limit to the personal statement. The Personal Statement should be typewritten, double-spaced, and included with your application as an electronic attachment. You may also attach a resume to the statement. 

  • The admissions committee requires two letters of recommendation in support of your application. An optional third letter may be submitted, but no more than three letters of recommendation will be considered for one application. Although the committee will accept recommendation letters from any two individuals designated by the applicant, the committee suggests:

    • From Faculty or Administrator
      If possible, have the two recommendations completed by college faculty members (or administrators) with whom you have studied. If you have been away from college for a considerable time, you may wish to substitute other individuals, including supervisors and business colleagues, with whom you have had more recent contact.

    • Individuals with opportunity to observe your potential
      Choose individuals who have had substantial and recent opportunity to observe your professional and/or academic potential. Recommendations from people who have not had such opportunity are of little assistance to the committee.

    • For all first year applicants 

    •  USF requires that your letters of recommendation be submitted through the LSAC Letter of Recommendation Service, which serves all member schools. This service is included in your Credential Assembly Service (CAS) subscription. Your recommendations will be copied by the service and sent to us along with your CAS Report.

    • For all transfer applicants
      Your letters of recommendation may be submitted through the LSAC Letter of Recommendation Service, which serves all member schools. This service is included in your Credential Assembly Service (CAS) subscription. Your recommendations will be copied by the service and sent to us along with your CAS Report. Letters may also be sent directly to the USF School of Law Admissions Office. The Admissions Committee recommends that letters be sent from current law faculty.

    Be sure to follow all directions for submitting letters of recommendation as described on the LSAC web site. It is important that you fill out and give each person submitting a recommendation a letter of recommendation form. Forms can be obtained online at the LSAC Website.

  • All first-time first-year applicants must register for the Credential Assembly Service report. Information about CAS is available online at the LSAC Website.

    Transcripts of all college work, both undergraduate and graduate, as well as any prior law school work, should be sent directly to LSAC. LSAC analyzes your undergraduate college transcripts and forwards a report to each law school you designate, along with your letters of recommendation. LSAC will not release your CAS report to USF until two letters of recommendation have been received by LSAC. The committee may not consider an application if the CAS report indicates that transcripts are missing (does not apply to transfer applicants).

    If you are accepted for admission, you must submit directly to the USF School of Law official transcripts showing the award of the baccalaureate degree and any graduate degrees earned. The official transcript must be sent by the degree-granting institution(s).

    Alternatively, official transcripts sent to LSAC to be included in your JD CAS report can be used to fulfill this requirement as long as the transcript is dated 2019 or later and notes the degree conferral date.

  • Applicants must take the LSAT and have their score(s) reported to the USF School of Law in a CAS Report. LSAT scores are valid for five years. Any LSAT taken prior to June 2020 is considered invalid for application review. USF will utilize the highest LSAT in the review process if multiple LSAT scores are presented by the applicant.

    The LSAT is administered multiple times a year. Early scheduling is strongly recommended and you are advised to take the LSAT no later than the February 2025 test date to receive maximum consideration. Applicants may also take the April 2025 and June 2025 exam; however, applicants may not be given the maximum consideration in such cases, due to the lateness in receiving those test results.

    USF does not endorse any commercial test preparation services. Please note however, that LSAC has recently collaborated with the Khan Academy to provide free online LSAT test prep materials.

    USF does not accept the GRE or any other standardized test score in lieu of the LSAT.

  • For your LSAT to be considered complete, you must have at least one writing sample on file — either from an earlier paper-and-pencil administration of the LSAT or from LSAT Writing. 

    If you do not have a writing sample on file, we encourage you to complete LSAT Writing as soon as you can. If you already have a writing sample on file, you do not need to complete LSAT Writing.   

    LSAT-Flex candidates will be required to have a completed writing sample in their file in order to see their test score or have their score released to law schools. LSAT Writing will open eight (8) days prior to each test administration   

    More information on the LSAT Writing sample is available online.

  •  A $60.00 application fee, payable to the University of San Francisco, must be submitted with your application. If you are applying electronically, you must pay the application fee online using a valid credit card.

    The application fee is not refundable. In the event that you are subsequently admitted, the fee will not be applied toward your tuition. Furthermore, if you decide to withdraw your application before a final decision is made, your application fee will not be refunded.

    For all applicants except transfer and visiting applicants: The required application fee may be waived for an applicant whose financial situation makes it a severe hardship to pay. Applicants requesting a waiver of this fee must submit a brief statement to the Law School Admissions Office explaining your financial situation. Information should include your current monthly income, assets and monthly expenditures. Approval of a fee waiver must be obtained prior to submitting an Application for Admission. Fee waiver requests may be sent via email to Please allow five business days for fee waiver requests to be processed.

    Applicants granted an LSAC fee waiver will have their USF School of Law application fee automatically waived. Applicants who apply electronically to USF via LSAC will be allowed to transmit their application electronically as long as their LSAC fee waiver is for the current 2024-2025 application year.

  • All applicants are required to complete the disclosure questions in the Character and Fitness section of the Application. USF requires applicants to disclose any issues related to academic probation, suspension, disqualification (particularly from a previous law school) as well as conduct. In addition all applicants must disclose any felony or misdemeanor conviction, or pending charges including a DUI (or any alcohol or drug-related offense). This includes any conviction that may have been expunged as well as any juvenile adjudication. Information should include the date of each incident, full explanation of the incident, including the name of the charge, and the final disposition of each charge. In addition, you will be asked to disclose information if you were party to a civil suit. Please note that USF School of law requires that applicants previously disqualified from a prior ABA law school are required to wait at least two years before applying to USF and must only apply as a new first-year law student.

    In addition, all applicants are required to notify the School of Law if any changes to the information included in their Application for Admission occur after the application has been submitted. In particular, all applicants must immediately notify the Director of Admissions if any new academic probation, suspension, disqualification or conduct issues arise, or if any new conviction of any felony or misdemeanor takes place after submitting the application.

    Conviction is any of the following:

    • a plea of guilty or nolo contendere
    • a verdict or finding of guilt regardless of whether sentence is imposed by the court. The Bar Examiners will receive reports of any such convictions from law enforcement agencies.

    Newly admitted applicants are required to immediately submit a detailed written description of new disclosures to the Law School's Admissions Office if an incident occurs AFTER an offer of admission is made and to the Office of the Associate Dean for Academic Services if an incident occurs AFTER classes begin. Information disclosed after an applicant has been offered admission will automatically result in a re-evaluation of the applicant's file.

    Please note that upon submission of your USF School of Law application, you will be subject to the standards set forth in the USF School of Law Honor Code.

    Failure to disclose any changes to your application or any of the Character & Fitness information noted above, may result in revocation of your admission decision, dismissal from school, revocation of any degree awarded by USF School of Law, denial of admission to the Bar, and referral to the LSAC Subcommittee on Misconduct and Irregularities in the Admission Process.

    In addition to a bar examination, there are character, fitness, and other qualifications for admission to the bar in every U.S. jurisdiction. Applicants are encouraged to determine the requirements for any jurisdiction in which they intend to seek admission by contacting the jurisdiction. Addresses for all relevant agencies are available through the National Conference of Bar Examiners. Link to:

  • USF gives serious consideration to all of the ways in which an applicant’s perspective, culture, and background might contribute to a diverse educational environment in the law school. In addition to the required Personal Statement, you may submit an optional Supplemental Statement SEPARATE from the personal statement.   

    In this statement, we invite you to share more about how your unique voice, perspective, and experience will enrich everyone’s education and to make the law school class stronger than the sum of its parts.   

    Supplemental statements tend to average 2 to 4 pages in length; however, there is no page limit. Please be sure to title this statement with the header Supplemental Statement on each page. Use a separate electronic attachment and submit with your online application. 

Additional Requirements

See additional requirements and specific application deadlines for:

Application Review Process

The admissions committee will not review an application until the law school has received all required documentation. Applicants are encouraged to submit all supporting documents, including recommendations and appraisal forms, as soon as possible. Applicants are considered in the order that completed applications are submitted; because the admissions committee uses a rolling admission system and typically begins the review process in October, applicants whose files are completed late in the application cycle may jeopardize their chances for admission.

Application Materials

All materials and correspondence relating to admission or your Law School application should be directed to the School of Law Office of Admissions. Once submitted, all materials become the property of the School of Law and will not be returned or copied. Please keep a copy of your application and any supporting documents for your records.

Status Checks

Upon receipt of your application, the Law School Admissions Office will provide a login and password that will allow you to check the status of your application on-line. You will be notified by email once your application is received by USF and also when your application file becomes complete. All official decision notices will be sent via email.


Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination Policy

The University of San Francisco is an equal opportunity institution of higher education. The University does not discriminate in employment, educational services, or academic programs on the basis of an individual's race, color, ethnicity, religion, religious creed, ancestry, national origin, age (except minors), sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, marital status, medical condition (cancer-related and genetic-related), disability and military status or any other basis prohibited by law. The University reasonably accommodates qualified individuals with disabilities under the law. 

The statement above applies to all admissions policies and procedures.

Office of Admissions

2130 Fulton Street
Kendrick Hall, 230
San Francisco, CA 94117