School Life & Careers
Come be a colleague and not a competitor. Come ask why? and why not? and says who? and what if? Come work hard at work worth doing. Come join a community united in the pursuit of justice.
Get Involved
Ranked the sixth most ethnically diverse law school in the nation, our community is from every place and every background with degrees and professional experience from inside the legal field and out. Come join the community and create your future from here.
Pursue Justice
Perform hands-on legal work inside the classroom and across the Bay Area. Gain practical skills while serving your community. Start building a more just and humane world from here.

Annie's law school experiences have centered on advocating for survivors of domestic violence.
Expand Your Horizons

USF law students have an array of housing options to choose from as they make the city of San Francisco their home.

Health & Wellness
Our students benefit from extensive services within the law school itself, as well as many resources and of the larger university.

Career Services
The Office of Career Services is staffed with attorney-counselors who have diverse legal experience and networks upon which to draw as they work with you on career planning, job search strategy, and connecting you with alumni and other contacts and opportunities in the legal community.
Gain New Perspectives
Attend events like the Law Review Symposium and learn from panelists, guest speakers, and industry experts. Connect with the USF community at the Alumni-Student-Faculty Mixer. Network with members of the bench and the bar and visiting dignitaries at events like Lunches with Lawyers Professional Networking.
Current and Admitted Students
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