Sharing Community
SII is a community within the larger USF community. Our students experience cura personalis (care of the person) through the mentorship and support of SII faculty, staff, and fellow students.
Our Community
SII students are invited to live on the co-ed SII floor in the USF residence halls and continue building community through various social and service events on campus and off. Our community gathers for an optional liturgy and community night on a weekly basis.
The SII community encourages peer mentoring. Students study together and learn together. SII students who complete four years of the program often credit their SII experience as the highlight of USF.
Service in the Community
SII students are required to complete a certain number of hours of community service, not simply to check off a box, but with the goal of becoming companions and neighbors to those in need. Building community with, and learning from, those most in need fosters depth of thought and imagination.
Students may meet this requirement through various community-based service and learning projects, on and off-campus. Examples of SII outreach include partnerships with local churches and NGOs who provide hospitality and dialogue with those living on the margins of San Francisco society. SII students may also provide tutoring and mentoring for local public school students. Or they may choose to engage in significant leadership initiatives, such as by attending the annual meeting of the Ignatian Solidarity Network, a social-justice advocacy organization.