Lone Mountain tower.

University Ministry

Consider how God is present in the world and active in your life. Connect your faith, spirituality, and values with social justice, solidarity with the poor, and care for the earth. Whatever your religion, belief, and identity, you are welcome.

Julia Maldonado (left) with person from Casa Generación

Juliana Maldonado '24

Take an Arrupe Immersion Trip

I often tell those who are interested that if they want to be tourists in another country, study abroad. But if you want to learn and dive into the true culture and struggles of a region, go on an immersion.”

Juliana Maldonado '24

Join St. Ignatius Institute

University Ministry partners with the St. Ignatius Institute — the oldest living-learning community on campus where you can study in small core curriculum classes that study the perennial questions of humanity.

two student walking up the spanish steps

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University Ministry

Toler Hall, Lower Level 122
2130 Fulton Street
San Francisco, CA 94117