USF Data Science Speaker Series

12:30PM - 2:00PM
Off-Campus Event - SFH Downtown

Join us for the USF Data Science Speaker Series featuring Siang Kong, a USF MSDS alumna and Senior Machine Learning Engineer at Shipt!

Siang Kong, a Senior Machine Learning Engineer at Shipt, will be our esteemed speaker. Having earned her Masters degree from USF MSDS in 2019, Siang swiftly transitioned into the dynamic realm of Data Science and Machine Learning. She has made significant contributions across various Machine Learning domains, from Bayesian Time Series modeling to Search Recommendations and crafting Language Models. During the day, Siang trains Language Models to predict the Next Best Sentence, while at night she explores predicting the next funniest sentence at local improv theaters.

In this session, you'll gain insights into:

  • MultiModal LLM: A cutting-edge model that combines DistilBERT embeddings with various features.
  • Understanding BERT and DistilBERT: Explore the fundamentals of these powerful language models.
  • Tokenization Techniques: Learn how to prepare text data for use in these models.
  • Addressing Limitations: We'll discuss the inherent limitations of language models and how to navigate them.
  • PyTorch Lightning: Discover how this framework streamlines model development and training.

Save the date and join us for an insightful session.

#USFDataScienceSpeakerSeries #DataScience #MSDS #MachineLearning