Trustees Emeriti/ae
At the discretion of the Board of Trustees, a trustee who has completed active service on the board may be elected as a Trustee Emerita/Emeritus. This title is reserved for those trustees with records of faithful and distinguished service to the Board of Trustees and to the University of San Francisco. They serve ongoing terms.
Trustees Emeriti/ae may attend the general sessions of the quarterly meetings of the Board of Trustees as observers. They will not be counted in determining a quorum at a quarterly board meeting. They also do not vote or hold leadership positions.
As valued members of the University community, they are welcome and encouraged to participate in commencement exercises, offer advice and counsel to the president and assist and represent the University as requested by the president or the Board of Trustees. They may be appointed by the Board of Trustees to membership on standing committees (with the exception of the Executive Committee and the Committee on Trustees) and special committees of the board.
Trustees Emeriti/ae are dedicated individuals whose unique experience and service on the Board of Trustees position them to serve as advocates on behalf of the University community and its vision, mission and values. The ongoing engagement of trustees emeriti/ae is an essential ingredient in the University’s rich and diverse community. They are encouraged to participate in the life of the community by attending events, lectures, University Masses and convocations.
Stay In Touch
As a valued member of the University community, the Office of the Board of Trustees respects your privacy. Contact information for the membership of Board of Trustees and Trustees Emeriti/ae is never shared unless we have explicit consent from the individual trustee or trustee emerita/emeritus.
For any of the following updates or requests, please use this form to contact the Office of the Board of Trustees:
Update Your Contact Information
If you are not already on the listserv for the Trustees Emeriti/ae and would like to add your email address to receive periodic updates from the chairman of the board, University president or secretary of the board, please send us this information.
If you have recently relocated, please send us your new contact information.
Reconnect with Your Colleagues
If you would like to correspond with a colleague you served with on the board, please send us a request.
Request for Campus Parking
If you are coming to campus to attend a meeting, luncheon, lecture or event, please let us know so we may make appropriate parking accommodations for you.
Request for University Identification Card
As a member of the University’s extended community, trustees emeriti/ae may obtain a University ID card. With this card, you will have access to the University’s libraries, and a membership at the Koret Health and Recreation Center.