Equipped to Lead and Succeed

Meet Ana Angel Avendaño

Meet Ana Angel Avendaño, doctoral student in USF’s International and Multicultural Education program, who is also pursuing the School of Education’s new concentration in Racial Justice and Education.

Ana Angel Avendaño is a first generation Chicana/Latina born in the Bay Area and raised between borders. Her childhood experiences with her grandmother in Michoacán, Mexico shaped her identity and everyday work as a community leader, activist and mama scholar.

Ana has worked in the non-profit sector with youth and community development programs in leadership, advocacy, and cultural awareness. Now, working in the public sector, Ana works directly with the community and develops partnerships and programs that address the community's needs. Her community leadership includes co-funding a cultural coalition for the preservation of community based art, organizing art focused events and co-facilitating a young women’s circle, Xinacthli, an indigenous based coming-of-age curriculum. Ana holds a bachelor’s degree in ethnic studies and a master’s degree in Mexican American studies, and is now pursuing her doctorate in international and multicultural education with a concentration in racial justice and education.

“Ana is an essential part of our IME EdD program,” says Dr. Emma Fuentes, faculty chair of the International & Multicultural Education Department. “Her commitment to justice, to her community and to the role that education can play to bring about meaningful change is a reflection of our new concentration, racial justice and education. Ana's overall approach to her doctoral research is also in line with our new concentration in that she sees her work as a challenge to racial injustice and as a site of possibility. We are so happy to have her in our program and look forward to the ways her work impacts her community and the field.”

Learn more about the new concentration in Racial Justice in Education, part of the International & Multicultural Education EdD program >>