Admission & Aid
CBEST & CSET Resources
The following information is provided as a reference and starting point for students. This is not an exhaustive list. While the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) site is strongly recommended, the others are simply a list of potential resources selected as a starting point for you to explore. USF does not specifically endorse any of the resources provided.
General Information About Credentialing Exams
- California Educator Credentialing Assessments
- Information on exams: Examinations for Teacher Certification
CBEST Resources
CBEST is a basic skills test: reading, writing and math to the 8th grade level. Review math up to the Algebra I level. Review how to write a basic five-paragraph essay – opening paragraph with main idea and supporting details, three paragraphs in the middle, and a final summary paragraph. Practice reading and answering questions on what you have read.
Other CBEST Test Prep Resources
Free Resources Available Online
Free Online CBEST Preparation From CSU Monterey Bay
- CSU Monterey Bay CBEST Preparation (Click on CBEST Online Test Prep Form to register)
Free CBEST Practice Tests
- Test Prep Review CBEST practice tests (Math, Reading, Writing)
- Teachers Test Prep online CBEST practice tests
- Mometrix CBEST review modules and practice tests
CBEST Prep Courses
On-line CBEST prep classes (w/ fee)
- Teachers Test Prep: CBEST prep class
- Teachers Test Prep: CBEST online prep
- Test Prep Review: CBEST practice test review
In Person CBEST Prep Workshops (free)
City College of San Francisco (CCSF): Free for California and San Francisco residents beginning F2017 CBEST Prep Classes at CCSF - LERN 53 A and LERN 53B. See CCSF current course schedule for specific dates/times.
In Person CBEST Prep Workshops (w/fee)
- BTPS Testing: SF State College of Extended Learning and International Affairs (Downtown SF)
Resources on Test Taking and Study Tips
Multiple taking tips can be found online. Below are a few resources; search and find one that fits your needs.
CBEST Preparation Books & Print Materials
There are a wide range of published books available in local libraries and bookstores with sample CBEST Practice Tests. These can also be located for purchase online along with flash cards, etc.
CSET Prep Resources
In-Person CSET Prep Courses (w/fee)
- CSET Prep Course: SF State College of Extended Learning and International Affairs (Downtown SF)
- CSU East Bay Test Preparation Courses
Online Prep Courses (w/fee)
Info and Study Tips for CSET
- CSET – CSET tests your knowledge of the content students in K-12 grades need to learn. The tests can cover any of the content in the K-12 academic content standards so check these out on the California Department of Education website.
- Multiple Subject and Special Education credential: Review the standards, K-8 grade levels: English/Language Arts, Math, Science, History Social Science, Physical Education, Health, and Visual and Performing Arts (Art, Music, Theater, and Dance). Questions will be asked in all those content areas across all these grade levels in the Multiple Subject CSET test.
- Single Subject credential: Review the academic standard specific to your credential content area (English/Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, World Languages, etc.). The Single Subject credential is a K-12 credential in the content area so questions can be asked across all grade levels in each academic content area.
- NOTE for Multiple Subject, Special Education, and Single Subject candidates in English, Math, and Science: On the California Dept. of Education website, be sure to review both the Common Core State Standards (English/Language Arts, Math) and Next Generation Science Standards. Then check out the Previous Standards (English/Language Arts, Math, and Science) as in those content areas the CSET is still transitioning from the previous standards to Common Core. You need to know content from both sets of standards.
- CSET: You can use the full test time regardless of how many sub-tests you sign-up/pay for – so study and register for the sub-test you feel most confident about and only register for and take that 1 test. Avoid taking the full number of sub-tests all at once – it is exhausting!
- History-Social Science: Try the Don’t Know Much About… books by Kenneth Davis.
- What your ____ Grader Needs to Know is a series of books, by E.D. Hirsch, Jr., There is one book for each year, K-6th grades.
- Check out state adopted textbooks at your local school or County Office of Education
- CSET Preparation Tips from UCD students who have taken and passed the CSET: http://education.ucdavis.edu/pod/cset-preparation
Make sure you have enough time to study and take/pass all the tests before your deadline.
Be strategic in choosing CSET Test dates: The resources below include info on considerations for selecting a test date, and reporting periods for test scores
CSET Preparation Books & Print Materials
There are a wide range of published books available in local libraries and bookstores with sample CSET Practice Tests. These can also be located for purchase online along with flash cards, etc.