Equipped to Lead and Succeed

COVID-19 Teaching, Learning & Wellness Resources

Teacher education faculty member creates list of resources to support educators and organizers navigating the pandemic.

by School of Education

As school closures due to COVID-19 began, Dr. Farima Pour-Khorshid, assistant professor of teacher education, created the Collection of HELLA COVID-19 Teaching/Learning/Wellness Resources - a list of resources to support educators and organizers navigating the pandemic.

Faculty member stands facing camera

The open access list includes resources for wellness, teaching, and wrap around services. In the months since the initial shelter-in-place mandate, the collection has become an invaluable resource. Shares Pour-Khorshid, “I remember sitting in my living room with my niece and nephew, my mother and aunts and feeling both grief and gratitude as I reflected on what was unfolding in our world. I felt grief because my sister is a registered nurse at a hospital with confirmed COVID-19 cases - advocating for her patients and herself as she struggled to access personal protective equipment. I also felt grief because of the clear reminder of just how vulnerable life truly is and has always been for those living on the margins of this society trying to survive structural violence and white supremacy. But, I also felt gratitude because no matter what our communities are faced with, we always find ways to thrive interdependently and intergenerationally.

"When I began to experience feelings of helplessness because my capacity for community organizing became so limited, I knew that I needed to take care of myself and those in my home. I began to ask myself what I could do with the capacity that I did have. I created the Collection of HELLA Covid-19 Teaching/Learning/Wellness Resources as a love offering to comrades, colleagues, students, family members, friends and whoever else could benefit from very specific kinds of support that I was not seeing in some of the other public resource lists that were being shared. I quickly realized that I could do something and that something would matter. I hope that we all continue to find ways to do something with our privilege, our capacity and our passion to change the world from wherever we are.”

Access the Collection of HELLA Covid-19 Teaching/Learning/Wellness Resources