Megan Polanin
Assistant Professor
Dr. Megan Polanin is an assistant professor in the counseling psychology department. As a licensed clinical psychologist, she has extensive clinical experience working with children, families, and educators spanning school, community mental health, and hospital settings. Most recently, she served as Co-Director of Clinical Training at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital, where she guided students pursuing graduate training in psychology and social work. Prior to this, she worked at a health policy nonprofit, focusing on patient advocacy and supporting the needs of vulnerable populations. Professor Polanin's research seeks to empower caregivers of children with disabilities to imagine and create a more accessible and inclusive reality for all families.
- Clinical training & supervision
- School mental health & educator wellbeing
- Mental health advocacy
- Healing-centered (trauma-informed) practice
Research Areas
- Disability justice
- Inclusion and belonging
- Caregiver wellbeing
- Community advocacy
- Loyola University Chicago, PhD in Counseling Psychology, 2014
- Loyola University Chicago, MA in Community Counseling, 2009
- Butler University, BA in Psychology & Spanish, 2007
Prior Experience
- Co-Director of Clinical Training, MedStar Georgetown WISE Center
- Assistant Professor, Georgetown University School of Medicine
- Senior Fellow, National Center for Health Research
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Selected Publications
Vera, E., Polanin, J., Carr, A. & Polanin, M. (2017). Keeping Latina/o youth in school: Factors related to academic intentions of students at risk for school dropout. Journal of Latina/o Psychology.
Vera, E., Camacho, D., Polanin, M., & Salgado, M. (2016). Education Interventions for Reducing Racism. In A. Alvarez, Liang, C., and H. Neville (Eds.), Contextualizing the cost of racism for people of color: Theory research and practice. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Polanin, M. & Vera, E. (2013). Bullying prevention & social justice. Theory Into Practice Special Issue: Emerging Issues of School Bullying Research & Prevention Science, 52(4), 303-310.
Vera, E. M. & Polanin, M. K. (2013). Prevention and counseling psychology: a simple yet difficult commitment. In E. M. Vera (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Prevention in Counseling Psychology (pp. 3-17). Oxford University Press: New York NY.