Passing of Greg Crow
Greg Crow died on Sunday, February 24th in his home in Palm Springs California. His service to the profession of nursing, to our School of Nursing & Health Professions, and as the founder of our School’s Vietnam Nurse Project leave a legacy of important work and great impact.

Dr. Crow’s affiliation with USF began in 1987 when he joined the faculty of the College of Professional Studies and the School of Nursing. From 1992 through 2004 he served Sonoma State University as a professor, graduate coordinator, and program director for the nursing leadership, case management, and education programs. In 2004 Dr. Crow returned to the USF School of Nursing & Health Professions as an adjunct professor in the Doctorate of Nursing Program and founded the School’s Vietnam Nurse Project.
His Curriculum Vita is replete with contributions as a national and international consultant, visionary leader, and promoter of roles for nurse leaders. What is not as well represented is the dedication and commitment he made to many, many individuals in support of their personal and professional growth, providing generous mentoring and personally funding their opportunities for development. Through his body of work and the mentorship of others, he has influenced a generation of professional nurses who are educationally and experientially prepared to lead the future in healthcare.
As a senior consultant working with his long-time colleague Dr. Tim Porter-O’Grady (President of Tim Porter O’Grady Associates), Greg Crow enjoyed a stellar reputation as a sought-after consultant and speaker. Dr. Porter O’Grady offers the following words of tribute.
Losing Gregory Crow, RN, EdD this week was a shock and a great blow to our profession and to health care. Greg was a great colleague and friend. We cannot imagine doing the work of our practice partnership without him. Working and playing with Greg was a joy and we could always count on his humor, enthusiasm, and encouragement as we strove to advance the work of Nursing.
And what an impact he had with the wide number of shared/professional governance implementations he led around the world, his work in Vietnam helping to transform nursing education and practice and positively influencing their health system development. Greg was a master teacher and an elegant writer, always deepening knowledge and expanding innovation with his curiosity and his unlimited capacity to “push the walls”, embrace new thinking and translate it into practical applications.
Greg made many friends and built lasting partnerships over his years as a leader, educator, and consultant. One could not work with Greg and fail to stay in his web of influence and friendship. He was well known for his many kindnesses and long-term relationships both in and out of nursing. And as much as we might have occasionally doubted him, he was invariably correct in his assessment of persons and organizations, always to their great benefit.
Life will not be the same without him. There is an empty place in our hearts with Greg missing from us. Still, our lives are richer for those pieces of Greg in our hearts and minds in ways that will inform and guide everything we do going forward. We can only hope to leave as rich a legacy.
We miss you, Greg.