Mary Lou De Natale
Mary Lou De Natale has expertise in community mental health and telehealth case management with the underserved in the community and their partners / families. For the past twenty nine years, she has been involved in the bachelors, masters, and DNP programs (committee member of doctoral dissertations in the School of Education and School of Nursing and Health Professions - DNP projects). Her professional and personal mission, clinical practice, and research revolve around health care advocacy including health insurance coverage and Medicare for at-risk populations with noted support for health care literacy and health care communication. Her clinical experience in Gynecology, Obstetrics, and Infertility research and staff nursing in pediatrics, maternity and community health and mental health provides her professional foundation. In addition, her service reflection dedication to community outreach through volunteering and leaderships in social justice.
- Community and mental health nursing
- Maternal-child nursing and pediatric
Research Areas
- Social justice
- Aging and wellness
- Community mental health
- Co-Chair of BSN, Faculty Lead in Junior 1
- Co-Chair, Faculty Development Committee, 2017-2020
- Co-Chair of BSN Department, 2019-2020
- Community Mental Health — Lead Faculty, 2012-2019
- Peer Review Committee in School of Nursing and Health Professions and University Peer Review, 2019-2021
- Beta Gamma Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International, Treasurer, 2019-2021 and involved in Beta Gamma (USF) and Alpha Gamma (SJSU) and served on the Board in various leadership positions.
- Elected Governance Committee for Sigma Theta Tau International, 2009- 2015.
- Co-Chair and Member of Patient Advisory Council for Stanford South Bay Cancer Center, 2016-2021.
- Post-Doctoral Academic Program of Study, Social and Behavioral Health-Health Policy
- University of San Francisco, EdD, 1989
- San Jose State University, MSN, 1978
- University of San Francisco, BSN, 1973
Prior Experience
- Full Professor in Nursing
- Associate Clinical Professor, UCSF, Department of Physiological Nursing
- Clinical Research Coordinator, Los Olivos Women's Medical Clinic, Los Gatos, California
- Staff Nurse, Good Samaritan Hospital and Stanford Health Care
- Lecturer, San Jose State University in Maternity, Pediatrics and Community Health
Awards & Distinctions
- Clinical Nurse Leader Certification — AACN Certification ursing Perspectives, 37(2), 201-209
- Faculty Fellowship in the Ignatian Tradition, Fall 2018-Spring 2019
- Caritas Coach Education Program, Watson Caring Science Institute, 2019
- Daisy Award Recipient or Faculty in the School of Nursing and Health Professions, 2016
- Virginia Henderson Fellow for Sigma Theta Tau International, 2014-Present
- The Edmond J. Safra Visiting Nurse Faculty Fellow, VA Medical Center, 2014-2016
Selected Publications
- De Natale, ML, (2022). Health Promotion and Eye Vision for Nurses. Journal of Health Care Research.
- De Natale, ML, Sabatini, L. (2022) Giving Hope to the Community: Lessons Learned by Nursing Students in Telehealth, Archives for HealthCare,
- Loomis, J, De Natale, ML (2017) A Date with Poverty: Students and Community Partners Learn Compassion, Nursing 2017, July-August 2017.
- Nickitas, DM, Fealy, G, De Natale, ML (2016) Psychometric Evaluation of the Service Learning in Nursing Inventory, NLN Nursing Perspectives, 37(2), 201-209.
- De Natale, ML & Waltz, C. (May-June 2015). Reflections of Nursing Students Travel Abroad in Ireland: A Global Nursing Perspective. NLN Nursing Perspectives, 188-189.
- De Natale, ML & Sabatini, L. Examining Health Promotion from a Cultural and Community Perspective: School –Age Children in Belize. (August-September 2013). Nursing 2013, 60-63.
- De Natale, ML & Klevay, A. (April, 2013). The Human Becoming Connection: Nursing Students Find Meaning in the Teaching-Learning Process. Nursing Science Quarterly, 26 (2), 125-130.