Careers & Internships
Do more than simply train for your profession. Graduate with an appreciation for the role of politics in life.

John Iosefo ’21
Expand Your Horizons
I may be the first foreign service officer from American Samoa but I don’t want to be the last."
John Iosefo ’21
Internship Opportunities
Work directly with change makers while earning your degree. A partial list of student internships:
United States House of Representatives
San Francisco Board of Supervisors
California State Assembly
Clerk for the Board of Education, Hayward Unified School District
San Francisco District Attorney's Office
San Francisco City Administrator's Office
- California Northern Pretrial Services
- San Francisco Public Defenders Office
- San Francisco Human Rights Commission

Average starting salary for 2022 USF graduates in Politics
Source: USF First Destination Survey
Our graduates get hired all over the place. Here's a partial list:
- Apple
- California Consortium for Urban Indian Health
- California Immigrant Policy Center
- California State Assembly
- City and County of San Francisco
- Common Ground Community
- Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney
- Dropbox
- East Bay Regional Park District
- Google Inc.
- House of Representatives
- Jordanian American Association
- Level Playing Field Institute
- MedAmerica
- Mission Housing Development Corporation
- National Corn Growers Association
- National Health Law Program
- Oracle Corporation
- Riff City Strategies
- San Francisco City Attorney's Office
- Seattle University
- Sheriffs Office of San Mateo County
- Treasure Island Job Core
- University of California Hastings College of the Law
- University of Southern California
- US House of Representatives
- US Senate

Lucas Waldron '13
Visual Investigations Producer, ProPublica
USF 30 Under 30
I'm teaching students about my favorite part of what I do, the intersection of news and video."
Lucas Waldron '13
Visual Investigations Producer, ProPublica