Honors Concentration
This degree requires a research thesis in an area of Biology. The program is designed to provide superior undergraduate students with opportunities to carry out original research in preparation for graduate school, professional training, or a position in an industrial or government research laboratory.
Students with an overall grade point average of 3.2, plus a grade point average of 3.4 or above in Biology and supporting science courses (Chemistry, Math and Physics) are eligible for acceptance into the program.
Applications are to be made to the Honors Thesis Program Committee during the student’s junior year.
Depending on the area of research interest, students are assigned a thesis committee consisting of a research adviser and one additional faculty member.
- A maximum of four Honors units can be counted as upper division course credit.
- Each project must be evaluated by the Thesis Committee before submission to the chair for final approval.
- Honors students are required to present a departmental seminar on their research.
Successful completion of the Biology Honors concentration is recorded on the student’s transcript.