USF’s First Annual Calendar
During this time of remote courses, virtual events, and social distancing, the Office of Development wanted to find a way that members of the USF community could enjoy the beautiful scenery of campus from their own homes. We knew that alumni and students alike would have their special USF moments to share, so we asked you to submit your scenic photos of campus in our Calendar Photo Contest.
We are happy to share the work of our talented alumni and student photographers that you can find in the first annual USF Calendar. Congratulations to each of you!
We have just 5 copies of our calendar left to give away! To receive a copy of the first annual 2021 USF Calendar, be one of the first five people to email donorengagement@usfca.edu with your full name and address.
Congratulations to all our winners! See below for a sneak peek at some of the winning photos from this year’s contest. We're looking ahead to the 2022 calendar. Submit your entry now »
Cover Image
This is a photo of the Lone Mountain steps. I found it rather intriguing that there were no students walking up and down these stairs. I decided to capture the emptiness of these normally busy steps.” - Samantha Ayvar ’21

This photo, of Saint Ignatius Church being reflected on glass in the School of Law, was inspired by a phrase ‘a different perspective.’ While the phrase often refers to listening to people with differing perspectives, I applied it to see things from a different perspective.” -Terrance Warner ’20

St. Ignatius Church at night, taken from in front of Gleeson Library. This has always been one of our favorite views at USF as we walk through campus after a Dons basketball game." -Kevin Kilroy ’81

St. Ignatius Church tower beautifully framed by the Golden Gate Bridge - two of my favorite landmarks of San Francisco in one picture.” -Natalie Hollick ’11

The USF crest. Taken February 1, 2016, on the lawn outside Gleeson Library/Geschke Learning Center. The crest in my mind serves as a connection to the 160-year history of USF, it is an old school, a constant reminder of Jesuit education in San Francisco.” -Bernard Murphy ’74

A year ago on a radiant Fall evening, I walked past the library towards my dorm. As a beam of light hit me, I turned towards my right and saw the sun escape the horizon, illuminating everything around the campus. The light filtered through the trees and the church glowed like a lamp. As the sky spoke in 1000 colors and a pleasant breeze brushed my face, I closed my eyes to capture this perfect moment within my soul and used my camera to make it eternal.” - Aaradhyaa Khodaria ’20

To receive a copy of the first annual 2021 USF Calendar, be one of the first five people to email donorengagement@usfca.edu with your full name and address.