Lilian Dube
Associate Professor
Lilian Dube is an associate professor and former chair of the Theology and Religious Studies Department at the University of San Francisco where she started in 2006 after a decade of teaching at universities in the USA and UK and the University of Zimbabwe, with tenure. In 1999, she made history as the first Black woman to earn a Doctor of Theology degree from Stellenbosch University.
She is the executive director of the film, USF in Zambia: HIV/AIDS and Social Justice, co-author of African Initiatives in Healing Ministry, and co-editor of Theology in the Context of Globalization: African Women's Response. She has published several journal articles and book chapters. Dube received international fellowships and awards including the American Association of University Women Fellowship in 2000. Now she serves on the AAUW Research and Grants Awards Selection Panel.
Courses she teaches include Feminist Theology from the Third World, African Theology and Religious Cosmologies, and Theology in HIV/AIDS Contexts. In 2009, she developed a month-long Service-Learning program in Zambia and became its sole faculty of record for five years (2010-2014). She has been a speaker at Harvard and Stanford universities, a visiting associate professor at Columbia University, and a research fellow at the University of South Africa.
Full CV available upon request.
Research Areas
- African Theology and Religion
- Gender and Sexuality
- DTh (Missiology), University of Stellenbosch
- STM, Columbia University
- Grad CE, University of Zimbabwe
- MA, University of Zimbabwe
- BA Honors, University of Zimbabwe
- BA General, University of Zimbabwe
Awards & Distinctions
- Jesuit Foundation Pedagogical Grant, USF (2010).
- Dorothy Cadbury Fellowship, Birmingham University, UK (2002-2003).
- American Association of University Women Fellowship, USA (2001-2002).
- Associate Fellow in the Center for World Catholicism and Inter-Cultural Theology, (CWCIT) Network of African Catholic Scholars at DePaul University, Chicago (2015 – 2019).
- Academic Associate Research Fellow, University of South Africa, Research Institute for Theology and Religion, appointed (2010-2013).
- Visiting Associate Professor, Union Theological Seminary - Columbia University (Spring 2012).
- Visiting Lecturer, Selly Oak Colleges, Birmingham University, England (2002-2003).
- Visiting Scholar, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, Northwestern University, Chicago (2001-2002)
Selected Publications
- Dube, L. (2014). "Feminist Deconstructing of Colonial Marian Images: Catholic Women Nzanga." In Feminist Catholic Theological Ethics: Conversations in the World Church, edited by Linda Hogan and Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator. Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 26-41.
- Dube, L. (2014). "Teaching African Theology in the Diaspora: The Promises and Challenges of a Western Academia." In Theological Re-imagination: Conversations on Church, Religion, and Society in Africa, edited by Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator. Nairobi Kenya: Paulines Publications Africa, 180-195.
- Dube, L. (2013). "USF in Zambia Service-Learning Program: A Synergist Approach to Theological Innovation." In Handbook on Theological Education in Africa, eds. Isabel Phiri & Dietrich Werner. Oxford: Regnum Books International, 990-999
- Dube, L. (2013). "USF in Zambia Today Program," The Forum on Education Abroad. Retrieved from: https://forumea.org/resources/curriculum/curriculum-resources/
- Dube, L. (2012). "African Spirituality from ‘Noise, Dust, Darkness and Dancing." In African Traditions in the Study of Religion in Africa: Emerging Trends, Indigenous Spirituality and the Interface with Other World Religion, eds Afe Adogame, Ezra Chitando, Bolaji Bateye. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, 109-117.
- Dube, L. (2012). "Genital Modification: Expressions of Troubling Masculinities Culture-bound Masculinities." In Redemptive Masculinities: Men, HIV and Religion, eds. Ezra Chitando and Sophia Chirongoma. Geneva: World Council of Churches Publication, 272-394.
- Dube, L., Shoko, T. and Hayes, S. (2011). African Initiatives in Healing Ministry, Pretoria: University of South Africa (UNISA) Publications.
- Dube, L. (2010). "Keeping Faith in Practice: An African Woman’s Dream." In Keeping Faith in Practice: Catholic Perspectives on Practical and Pastoral Theology, edited by James Sweeney, Gemma Simmonds and David Lonsdale. SCM: Canterbury Press, 241-257.
- Dube, L. (2009). "HIV and AIDS, Gender and Migration: Towards a Theological Engagement," Journal of Constructive Theology, Volume 15, No 2, University of KwaZulu Natal, 71-82.
- Dube, L. (2009). "Maids for Madams: Towards a Theology of Global Neighbors," Word and World: Theology for Christian Ministry Volume 29, Number 3, St Paul, MN: Luther Seminary, 262-269.
- Dube, L. (2009). "Rethinking African, Catholic Sex Taboos and HIV/AIDS," Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae XXXV (1), 35 (1) University of South Africa Press, 1-14.
- Dube. L. (2009). "Theology of HIV and AIDS." In Troubled but Not Destroyed, edited by Ezra Chitando. Geneva: World Council of Churches Publication, 135-142.
- Dube, L. (2008). "Diaspora Shona Mass as a Religious-Cultural Occasion," Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae, Volume XXXIV, No 1, University of South Africa Press, 475-490.
- Dube, L. (2008). "Mai Chaza: An African Christian Story of Gender, Healing and Power," Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae, Volume XXXIV, Supplement, University of South Africa Press, 91-119.
- Dube, L. (2005). "Globalization and Women in Zimbabwe." In Theology in the Context of Globalization: African Women’s Response, edited by Philomena Mwaura and Lilian Dube Chirairo. Nairobi: EATWOT Women’s Commission, 14-29.
- Dube, L. and Mwaura, P. eds. (2005). Theology in the Context of Globalization: African Women’s Response, Nairobi: EATWOT Women’s Commission.
- Dube, L. (2003). "The African Prophetess: Initiatives in Church Development," Journal of Constructive Theology, Volume 9, No 1, University of KwaZulu Natal, 79-88.
- Dube, L. (2001). Book Project Consultant. Irvin, Dale T. and Sunquist, W. Scott. History of the World Christian Movement Volume 1: Earliest Christianity to 1453. Maryknoll: Orbis.
- Dube, L. (2001). "Mission and Deliverance in the Zvikomborero Apostolic Faith Church." In African Christian Outreach Volume 1: African Initiated Churches, edited by ML Daneel. Southern African Missiological Society, 312-327.
- Dube, L. (2000). "Mission and Deliverance in the Zvikomborero Apostolic Faith Church," Missionalia, Volume 28, No 2/3, Southern African Missiological Society (SAMS), 294-311.
Additional Information
Recent Presentations
- Session Chair, A Critical Time for Bridge-Building: Catholic Theological Ethics Today. The Third International Conference of Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church, Sarajevo – Bosnia. (July 26-29, 2018).
- Poster Presenter, "Service-Learning Ethics: Scandal and Sustainability." A Critical Time for Bridge-Building: Catholic Theological Ethics Today. The Third International Conference of Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church, Sarajevo – Bosnia. (July 26-29, 2018)
- Organizer and Session Chair, Women & Leadership in the Global Church Conference: World Catholicism Week, DePaul University Center for World Catholicism, Chicago. (April 6-8, 2018)
- Guest Speaker, "Exploring Health, Wellbeing and Environmental Stewardship through Service-Leaning in Zambia." Center for African Studies - Africa Table Lecture Series, 219 Encina Hall - Stanford University. (March 7, 2018)
- Researcher and Presenter, "Re-constructing Gender and Sexuality Rituals for a World without AIDS." Gender Inequalities and the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Africa Pastoral Book Project funded by German Catholic Bishops Conference. Center for Global Church & Mission, Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Sankt Georgen, Frankfurt. (February 20-25, 2018)
- Presenter and Plenary Speaker, "African Catholicism in the Diaspora: Identities in Conflict," International Palaver on The Handbook of African Catholicism at Hekima University College - Institute of Peace Studies and International Relations (HIPSIR), Nairobi – Kenya. (July 28-30, 2017).
- Presenter, "Restorative Justice and (the Paradox of Broken) Women Healing Earth," Women Healing Earth: Revisiting Rosemary Radford Ruether’s Work on Moral Agency & Ecological Ethics among Women of the Global South – Invited Session at the 72nd Annual Convention of The Catholic Theological Society of America, Hyatt Regency Albuquerque Hotel. (June 8-11, 2017).
- Panel Respondent, The Church We Want in the Age of Global Syndemics, Santa Clara University. (February 11, 2017).
- Presenter, "Jesuit Identity: Service-Learning and Internationalization," Theology and Religious Studies Chairs Biennial Meeting, Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities, St. Louis University, MO. (April 14-16, 2016).
- Panelist, "Faith, Medicine, and Health: An Integrated Approach," HIV/AIDS in Post 2015 Era: Linking Leadership, Science & Human Rights, 18th ICASA International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa, The Rainbow Towers Hotel & Harare Conference Center, Harare – Zimbabwe. (November 29 - December 4, 2015).
- Panelist, "Bias Against Women of Color Within Academic Professions: Rethinking Justice," 'Repairing Community: Faith-Based Responses to Racial Disparities and Conflict' at the Transatlantic Roundtable on Religion and Race Conference, Birkbeck, University of London, UK. (July 1-3, 2015).
- Invited Discussant and Participant, "The Women’s Movement, Feminists and UN Women’s Collaboration with Civil Society Actors in the United States to Accelerate Action on Gender Equality," 'Commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (Beijing+20) and the Determination of the Post-2015 Development Agenda,' Global Fund for Women, UN Women and Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), San Francisco (December 9, 2014).
- Invited Discussant and Participant, "Best Practices in an Era of Contingent Labor: A Workshop for Chairs of Religious Studies Programs and Departments," Leadership Workshop, American Academy of Religion (AAR) San Diego. (November 21-25, 2014).
- Presenter and Co-Leader of a Panel, "African Theologians in the Diaspora: Challenges and Prospects," 'Theological Colloquium on Church, Religion and Society in Africa: Currents of the 50th Anniversary of Vatican II African Theology in the 21st Century: Identity and Profile; Contexts and Models.' Theological Colloquium on Church, Religion and Society in Africa (TCCRSA), Nairobi-Kenya. (April 14-16, 2013).
- Presenter, "Spirituality, Sexuality and Health: African Feminist Perspectives," 'Transforming Faith Communities into Safe Space: Conversations on Gender, Health, Religion, Culture and Empire.' Fifth Pan-African Meeting of the Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians, Johannesburg - Kempton Park, South Africa, (April 17-21, 2013).
- Designated Presider, "Panel 5: Bible, Gender and Human Dignity," 'Transforming Faith Communities into Safe Space: Conversations on Gender, Health, Religion, Culture and Empire.' Fifth Pan-African Meeting of the Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians, Johannesburg - Kempton Park, South Africa, (April 17-21, 2013).
- Panelist, "Implications of Colonial Legacies in the Public Consumption of the Hebrew Bible in Africa," 'The Bible and Colonialism: Africa and the Middle East,' Co-sponsored with the Minoritized Criticism and Biblical Interpretation Group, (AAR) American Academy of Religion & Society of Biblical Literature (SBL), Annual Meetings, Chicago (November 17-20, 2012).
- Designated Presider, "A Book Discussion of Tamale (editor) African Sexualities: A Reader, 2011." African Association for the Study of Religions, AAR & SBL Annual Meetings, Chicago (November 17-20, 2012).
- Panelist, "A Book Discussion: Haddad (editor) Religion and HIV and AIDS, 2011," AAR & SBL Annual Meetings, Chicago (November 17-20, 2012).
- '(CTEWC) Catholic Theological Ethics in Africa After Trento: Engaging the African Synod' Participant & Session Leader, CTEWC Bilingual Expert Seminar, Nairobi Kenya (21-22 August 2012).
- "Executive Report of African Association for the Study of Religion in North America," Organizer & Presenter – 'Sports, Leisure, Religion & Spirituality in Africa & the African Diaspora.' 5th AASR Conference in Africa (in collaboration with PANAFSTRAG). Egerton University, Njoro-Kenya, (July 18-23, 2012).
Professional Positions
- Member, American Association of University Women Fellowships & Grants Selection Panel (2018-2019).
- North American Representative, African Association of the Study of Religion (2010 – 2012).
- National Contact Person, Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians - Zimbabwe (1998 – 2002).
- Regional Contact Person, Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians - Zimbabwe, Malawi, Madagascar and Mozambique (1996-2002).
- Research Consultant, for the Luce Foundation research project: 2001 History of the World Christian Movement Volume 1: Earliest Christianity, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary (1999-2000).
- University of Zimbabwe Representative, National Divinity Syllabus Panel (1995-2000).