Henriette Cornet
Adjunct Professor
Part-Time Faculty
Henriette Cornet is an expert in sustainable urban mobility and autonomous vehicles. From 2020 to 2023, she led the thematic area of automated mobility at the International Association of Public Transport (UITP) and supervised the European project SHOW, with a budget of 30 million euros. For three years, she also led a team of designers specializing in autonomous mobility at the TUMCREATE research institute in Singapore. After obtaining her PhD from the Technical University of Munich in 2012, she worked for five years in the automotive industry in Germany.
- Sustainable urban mobility
- Autonomous vehicles
- User engagement in innovation processes
- Human-centric design
- Material and environmental sciences
Research Areas
- Sustainable urban mobility
- Autonomous vehicles
- Member, TRB International Coordinating Council (A0020C), Transportation Research Board, U.S.
- Member, TRB Standing Committee on Vehicle-Highway Automation (ACP30), Transportation Research Board, U.S.
- Member, Steering Committee of the French Interest Community on Automated Vehicle (CIVA – Communauté d'Intérêt des Véhicules Autonomes), Movin’On, France
- Member, Editorial Board of the book series Lecture Notes in Mobility (LNMOB), SCOPUS index.
- Executive Board member, CCAM Partnership of the European Commission, co-leading Cluster 1 ‘Large-scale demonstration’, Europe
- Technical University of Munich (Germany), PhD in Civil Engineering and Life Cycle Assessment, 2012
- University of Technology of Troyes (France), Master in Engineering, Material and Environmental Sciences, 2007
Prior Experience
- Thematic area leader of automated mobility, International Association of Public Transport (UITP), Belgium
- Principal Investigator, Design for Autonomous Mobility, TUMCREATE, Singapore
- Consultant for funded projects, Electric Vehicles & Energy Management, K&S Projektmanagement GmbH, Germany
- Senior Manager, e-Mobility at project i, BMW via contractor (Germany)
- Project manager Recycling & Life Cycle Assessment, Audi via contractor (Germany)
Selected Publications
- Chng, S., Kong, P., Lim, P. Y., Cornet, H., & Cheah, L. (2021). Engaging citizens in driverless mobility: Insights from a global dialogue for research, design and policy. Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives, 11, 100443.
- Cornet, H., Stadler, S., Kong, P., Marinkovic, G., Frenkler, F., & Sathikh, P. M. (2019). User-centred design of autonomous mobility for public transportation in Singapore. Transportation Research Procedia, 41, 191-203.
- Stadler, S., Cornet, H., Novaes Theoto, T., & Frenkler, F. (2019). A tool, not a toy: Using virtual reality to evaluate the communication between autonomous vehicles and pedestrians. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality: The Power of AR and VR for Business, 203-216.
- Kong, P., Cornet, H., & Frenkler, F. (2018). Personas and emotional design for public service robots: A case study with autonomous vehicles in public transportation. In 2018 international conference on cyberworlds (cw) (pp. 284-287). IEEE.
- Ongel, A., Cornet, H., Kong, P., Khoo, R., Liu, T., & Kloeppel, M. (2018, March). Public transport service quality improvement using Universal Design standards and advanced vehicle technologies. In 2018 International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (ICoIAS) (pp. 211-216). IEEE.