Genevieve Leung
Genevieve Leung is the academic director of the Asian Pacific Studies MA program and director of the Asian Pacific American Studies minor. She has a BA in linguistics from UC Berkeley and dual MA degrees in linguistics (TESOL) and education (Language and Literacy) from UC Davis. She received her PhD in Educational Linguistics from the University of Pennsylvania. She has taught high school English in Japan, as well as English writing, effective communication, and reading and vocabulary courses at Stanford University. She was the co-instructor of the TESOL Workshop at the University of Pennsylvania, training novice ESL teachers in the fundamentals of TESOL. Genevieve is also very interested in heritage language maintenance, particularly of Chinese Americans of Cantonese and Toisanese/Hoisan-wa language backgrounds.
Research Areas
- Cantonese language and cultural maintenance
- Bi/multilingual language acquisition
- Language and humor
- Language and identity
- Heritage language pedagogy
- Program Director, Asian Pacific American Studies
- Academic Director, Asia Pacific Studies
- University of Pennsylvania, Ph.D. in Educational Linguistics
- UC Davis, MA in Education
- UC Davis, MA in Linguistics
- UC Berkeley, BA in Linguistics
Awards & Distinctions
- MOFA Taiwan Fellowship, 2021
- ICCS-NCTU/IICS-UST Short Term Visiting Scholar, National Chiao-Tung University, 2018
- Foundation for Scholarly Exchange/Fulbright Teacher Training Award (Taiwan), 2017-2018
- Association for Asian American Studies International Exchange Delegate, 2016
- Language Learning Small Grant, 2015
Selected Publications
*Asterisk indicates collaboration with USF students
- Lin, S., Wu, M.-H., & Leung, G. (2022). “What if I was not adopted”: Transnational Chinese adoptee English teachers negotiating identities in Taiwan. International Journal of Bilingual and Bilingualism.
- Leung, G., Calcagno, S.*, Tong, R., & Uchikoshi, Y. (2021). “I think my parents like me being bilingual”: Cantonese-English DLI upper elementary students mediating parental ideologies about multilingualism. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Discourses, 43(6).
- Leung, G. (2021). “Maybe useful to the future generation but not my own”: How “useful” is Mandarin really for contemporary Hoisan-heritage Chinese Americans in the San Francisco Bay Area? Language & Communication, 76.
- Wu, M.-H., & Leung, G. (2020). “It’s not my Chinese”: A teacher and her students disrupting and dismantling conventional notions of “Chinese” through translanguaging in a heritage language classroom. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism.
- Wu, M.-H., Leung, G., Yang, J.-K., Hsieh, I. H., & Lin, K. H.-W. (2020). "A different story to share": Asian American English Teachers in Taiwan and idealized “nativeness” in ELT. Journal of Language, Identity, and Education.
- Leung, G., Ho, E. Y., Chi, H.-L., Huang, S.*, Ting, I.*, Chan, D.*, Chen, Y.*, Zhang, H., Pritzker, S. E., Hsieh, E., & Seligman, H. K. (2018). “We (Tong) Chinese”: Contemporary identity positioning through health management among Cantonese Chinese Americans. Journal of Intercultural and International Communication, 11(4).
- Leung, G., & Chen, M.* (2018). ABC and Hong Kong superstar: MC Jin and contemporary Cantonese heritage language and identity. Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly, 41(3).