Elisabeth Jay Friedman
Elisabeth Jay Friedman was awarded her BA by Barnard College (1988) and her MA/PhD by Stanford University (1997). She is the author of Unfinished Transitions: Women and the Gendered Development of Democracy in Venezuela, 1936-1996 (Penn State Press, 2000), the co-author of Sovereignty, Democracy, and Global Civil Society: State-Society Relations at UN World Conferences (SUNY Press, 2005) and the author of Interpreting the Internet: Feminist and Queer Counterpublics in Latin America (University of California Press, 2016). She has published articles on transnational women's organizing, women's rights in Latin America, same-sex marriage, and intergenerational feminism.
Friedman is also the editor of the collection Seeking Rights from the Left: Gender, Sexuality, and the Latin American Pink Tide (Duke University Press, 2019), available in Spanish as: Género, sexualidad e izquierdas latinoamericanas: El reclamo de derechos durante la marea rosa (CLACSO 2020).
Research Areas
- Gender and politics
- Latin American feminist and queer movements
- Social and political meaning of the internet
- Department Chair, Politics
- Co-Editor-in-Chief, International Feminist Journal of Politics
- Co-Coordinator, USF Global Feminist Forum
- BA, Barnard College
- MA/PhD, Stanford University
Awards & Distinctions
University of San Francisco College of Arts and Sciences Dean's Scholar Award for Achievement in Research, 2020
University of San Francisco Sarlo Prize for Excellence in Teaching, 2010
Selected Publications
Friedman, Elisabeth Jay, ed. (2019) Seeking Rights from the Left: Gender, Sexuality, and the Latin American Pink Tide. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. Spanish translation: Género, Sexualidad y izquierdas latinoamericanas: El reclamo de derechos durante la marea rosa. CLACSO, 2020.
Friedman, Elisabeth Jay. (2016) Interpreting the Internet: Feminist and Queer Counterpublics in Latin America. Oakland, CA: University of California Press.
Friedman, Elisabeth Jay. (2005) Sovereignty, Democracy, and Global Civil Society: State-Society Relations at UN World Conferences New York: SUNY Press.
Friedman, Elisabeth J. (2000) Unfinished Transitions: Women and the Gendered Development of Democracy in Venezuela, 1936-1996. Penn.: Penn State Press.