Department of Rhetoric and Language Faculty

Full-Time and Part-Time Faculty

David Ryan

Assistant Professor

(415) 422-5524

David Ryan serves as the Academic Director and Faculty Chair for the Professional Communication and Certificate in Professional Communication…

Jill Schepmann

Adjunct Professor

(415) 422-6243

Jill Schepmann earned an MFA in creative writing from Vanderbilt University and a BA in English and psychology from the University of Kansas. In…

Cynthia Schultes

Adjunct Professor

(415) 422-6862

Cynthia Schultes has taught at Trinity College in Washington, D.C., and Notre Dame Seishin University in Okayama, Japan. At USF, she teaches courses…

Gina Stahl-Haven

Adjunct Professor

(415) 497-2313

Gina Stahl-Haven has been teaching in the fields of rhetoric and communication since 2005. Her dynamic teaching style emphasizes critical thinking,…

Julie Sullivan

Adjunct Professor

(415) 422-2592

Ellen Thompson

Adjunct Professor

(415) 422-6010

Ellen Thompson has been teaching lower division writing courses at USF—RHET 99, 110, and 120—since 2000. She has also taught upper-division and…

Emeriti Faculty