Estimated Tuition

The estimated cost of the Computer Science Bridge program is $1,660 per unit for the 2024-2025 academic year. Students typically take an average of 24 units in the first academic year and 18 units in the second and third academic years. A total of 60 units are required for the degree. Program fees are subject to adjustment annually, and the number of required units may vary based on enrollment status. Please contact Program Director, Lisa Mayorga to discuss the specifics of the program.


The MSCS program offers a limited number of merit-based scholarships to incoming and current graduate students, both domestic and international, on a competitive basis.

  • Awarded to incoming MSCS applicants with exceptional applications. All aspects of the application are considered, including GPA, GRE test scores, TOEFL/ITS scores (if applicable), letters of recommendation, and the essay/statement of purpose. Up to two awards are made every year, with an approximate award ranging from $20–40k over two to four semesters.

  • Awarded to incoming MSCS applicants with outstanding applications who are either women and/or belong to a minority group underrepresented in the field of Computer Science. Approximate awards range from $5–10k over one to two semesters.

  • Awarded to incoming MSCS applicants with outstanding applications from all backgrounds, or current MSCS graduate students who demonstrate outstanding skills and leadership. Approximate awards range from $5–10k over one to two semesters.

  • Double Dons Scholarship

    USF Alumni and current students can be awarded the USF Double Dons Scholarship upon admission. The scholarship covers 20% of the program tuition, and may not be stacked with other USF scholarship awards. Exceptions may apply.

    Double Dons on MyUSF

Applications should be submitted by February 1st for priority scholarship consideration. Scholarships require students to maintain a 3.3 GPA or higher. No application is required for these scholarships — we automatically consider all graduate students (domestic and international).


There are several employment opportunities for domestic and international students to offset the cost of living in the area.

  • There are a limited number of teacher assistant or research assistant positions available to current graduate students every semester. These on-campus positions usually require approximately 10 hours per week and pay an hourly wage. They do not provide tuition remission, and positions are not promised as part of the admission process.

  • Our prime location in the San Francisco Bay Area and proximity to Silicon Valley means there are many off-campus internships available for current graduate students that pay a competitive wage. MSCS students (including most international students) can get credit towards their degree for these positions via the practicum option.

There are various other on-campus positions available to both domestic and international students. See the Financial Aid page for all programs for more details.