when I was in active duty I served with a ton of men and women who I knew would make outstanding elected leaders they were selfless dedicated and willing to put aside their differences to do everything the country asked of them they only lacked one thing political experience that's why a decade ago I founded veterans campaign an organization dedicated to giving veterans the tools they need to continue serving their country this time as elected leaders we partnered with the University of San Francisco to create a master of arts in public leadership a hybrid program that combines online learning with weekend seminars every few months anyone committed to public service is welcome we've trained Democrats such as Amy McGrath we trained Republicans such as Dan Crenshaw it's the only program of its kind it's designed specifically for veterans and military families we've got former elected officials we've got major party nominees for congress one of our students just started running for city council we have the former military spouse of the year another one is working with veterans and state legislatures across the country to help with water security another one of our students was just confirmed as a member of the San Francisco Commission on Veterans Affairs some of our students have phenomenal academic credentials MIT Harvard the Naval Academy West Point Bowdoin some of them went to several colleges while they were enlisted in the Marine Corps what brings them all together is their commitment to service and since we're dedicated to helping our students pursue a career in public service we're proud to offer generous financial aid including full yellow ribbon coverage because we believe that our graduates will be best prepared to make a difference if they can graduate without student loans if you're interested in running for office managing campaigns working in legislation or simply advocating for a cause that is bigger than yourself please visit us at veteranscampaign.org and if you know somebody who you think would make an outstanding elected official please send them our way