You are not afraid to swim against the current, face challenges head on.Ê No problem is too impossible to solve;Ê every cloud, a silver lining; every fall, a chance to rise.Ê You learn to seek and seek to break the mold. Ê You cross boundaries.Ê You walk cities one day and climb mountains the next;Ê you are not afraid of dark forests,Ê you meander legendary rivers, still lakes and vast seas. Ê You laugh, you eat you drink and dance.Ê The more the merrier.Ê You hear "Come and meet the world in Kreuzberg!"Ê ...and you wonder.Ê YouÕd like to think, think deeply, É why we laugh and eat and dance,Ê while others canÕt.Ê YouÕd like to look up at the stars and wonder why planets donÕt fall into space like apples fall on the ground.Ê You wonder why dead stars shineÊ And what shines or darkens within your mind.Ê You want to sort out what makes you good, what makes you bad.Ê You want toÊÊpersevere because someone said Òwhatever doesnÕt kill you makes you stronger.Ó Ê Have you wondered why a man turned into a vermin,Ê why Castorp escaped to the Alps,Ê why Oskar stopped growing and Baba Dunja grows vegetables and writes letters to her daughter?Ê Ask Kafka, ask Mann, ask Grass and Bronsky! We have as many stories as you have questionsÉ Ê YouÕve heard this tuneÉand this oneÉ.and this oneÉ A rocket left our galaxy with this oneÉ. Ê And waitÊ why is that girl running?Ê is that a vampire, or an angel?Ê What is the name of that city you have seen so many times? Ê And how can they possibly move like that?Ê Ê You want to enter a building that says ÒIÕll be good to the earthÓ Êand want to move like we move, from Hermanplatz to Alexanderplatz, without blackening the skies Ê And, yes,ÊÊ you want to understand why people look here for a home outside their homesÉ . You wantÊ you wantÊ you wantÊ but donÕt know where to begin? Ê Begin here with us! Ê LEARN GERMAN WITH US! LERN DEUTSCH MIT UNS