[Music] when i'm at work school starts at 8 a.m the first two hours of the morning i have a prep time where the students are in their general education classes i'm emailing parents working on individualized education plans for my students preparing for meetings with the families working on prepping instructional material for my students when they come to see me for learning support or pushing into the general education classrooms and supporting students and the and the teachers good morning can i give these two free for your table nausea right i teach a class right now for our math intervention program i'm supporting students to continue to grow with their math skills and push their level of thinking first project cycle i currently have a group of students that i mentor they work on personalized learning and then i'm also doing one-on-one check-ins with the students discussing how their goals are going for the week with their learning how they're doing with their content and progressing and discussing the habits of success now i have the lens of looking at well what is what is the best research out there and how can i bring it into my instructional planning and use that to drive my instruction to improve student outcomes done if i was doing the formal assessment for a triennial i would have told the student it would have been one on one without any distractions so whenever the small classes and the relationships that you build with your professor help you develop confidence as a professional and as a leader i find that i've been more comfortable to find my voice and share it in the classroom