[MUSIC PLAYING] For us, legacy is about our history. It's about the number of years and the many alumni that are replaying a senior role within the sports industry around the world. And so our students are able to interact with any of those alumni. They can do informational interviews, but they also hear about open jobs. They hear about open internships. And in a lot of times, that's the access that you need in order to break into this industry. As a student in the USF Sport Management Master's program, we receive emails with internship, job, volunteer opportunities. I had two internships while I was in the program, one which was at the USF Athletic Department and the second which turned into a full time job was at Cal Athletics. And so we now have alumni globally that are contributing in front offices, in teams, in professional and collegiate sport who are playing roles in agencies, and broadcasters, and sport tech environments. This is understanding how to network, and it's understanding the value of building organic and authentic relationships. That's one thing that USF will facilitate. I had an opportunity to network with people, to meet contacts, to get my foot in the door at AEG, and really I wouldn't have had that opportunity had I not gone back to school and been part of University of San Francisco Sport Management program. Everyone who worked and taught in the program actually were professionals from the field. So it's not like I'm talking to somebody that only knew the book, because anybody could know the book. But if you actually experience stuff, and you've met people, and you've worked with people, and you've worked on projects, and your things have been published, it felt like they were so accessible. And so across the nature of the industry, we have alumni now over more than a decade that really provide that-- that access for our student. There is nothing else in our society right now that captures people's imagination, that gets them to want to watch something live on TV, that gets them talking about it for days and days afterwards than sport that they really care about.