we often think of summer vacation is this very idyllic time where kids are having a lot of fun and there's no pressure than this hill school but for children from under-resourced communities often this is a time where they experienced summer learning loss you read the first page and see if it's right for you one thing to be concerned about with children who are below their grade level is that in summertime they can slip farther behind and so this program is unique because that's not going to happen for these kids they're going to be able to maintain or maybe hopefully increase their reading level over the summer with some support from us we have this kind of invisible line between what they call lower and upper Pacific Heights or the Western Addition and in this area and the fact that we have University of San Francisco students here we've using this wonderful facility here in Pacific Heights and that we're bringing nearly 200 kids from the Western Addition to be a part of this community it really blends this whole neighborhood in a way that I don't always see done this is the kind of thing a scholar would do if they wanted to earn that extra five minutes so like when the big hand is on the eat they would get to go out and play early there's a lot of distractions for kids nowadays all types of social media anything that's interactive this technology-based but I think that there's a lot of text rich stuff that we can use to our advantage so it's more about how we mobilize ourselves as teachers and adults to get kids to follow things that are more academic and sort of and merge it with with entertainment as well I can tell this is a really good fun for you because you've read this whole page you know every single word on it and is that something you're interested in yeah walking bugs students can have a lot of ill feelings about reading attached to school and school failure so we take reading and put it in a recreational setting and into the community setting so students can embrace reading as life and part of what they like to do in their free time