hello my name is Professor Martinez and I'm delighted to introduce you to the School of Management minor in entrepreneurship and innovation the Entrepreneurship and innovation minor is designed for students majoring in areas other than business who want to develop the analytical skills and experiences needed to create innovative products and entrepreneurial ventures the San Francisco Bay Area is the global epicenter of new venture creation technology innovation and venture capital and so is the perfect location to study and practice entrepreneurship and innovation students who select this minor will develop skills and physical and online design entrepreneurial planning and communication and gain entrepreneurial and innovative experience with faculty guidance our department faculty look forward to working with students who are majoring in the arts sciences or nursing and helping them find alternative ways to make a living with their passion whether your major is advertising biology chemistry Communication Studies computer science Fine Arts environmental studies Performing Arts or any of the other exciting USF areas of study please contact the Department of entrepreneurship innovation and strategy to learn if our minor course of study is right for you for more information please download the entrepreneurship and Innovation minor overview from the business minors webpage if you're interested in adding this minor please complete the change of academic program a form which can be found on the one-stop web page listed here