[MUSIC PLAYING] My name is Melanie Baybay, and I'm a student of the Master of Science in Computer Science program at USF. For me, it was, I guess, a winding journey into the computer science department, since I came from biology. One thing that I do really love is the tight-knit community that we have. My name is Ethan Wilcox. I always appreciated small, intimate learning communities. That was the biggest draw for me at USF was being able to be a face and a name to the professors and not just a number or like a name on a roster. My name is Jeremiah O'Connor I'm a senior research engineer at Cisco. The USF professors really care about their students. I had no background in computer science, but the professors mentored me. And here I am today a senior engineer. They do a great job in connecting us with the greater Bay Area tech community. They have a special focus on tools and practices that are used today in various industries. There's always the background coloring the education with this is how you're going to apply it. Almost every other week we get emails about what internships or job opportunities are available for the summer. And sometimes it's from startups, sometimes it's from the bigger companies. USF is definitely one of the rising stars in the Bay Area, and I see a lot of USF students doing really, really well at top companies. [MUSIC PLAYING]