that's one of the first graduate programs and environmental management in the United States the students are coming from kind of a wide range of backgrounds and that really enriches the class experience because they can they can bring different stories different perspectives to bear on the topic that we're covering in class I like the fact that that you get to choose your own classes and your own concentration I like learning a little bit of everything so I like timing mitigation I like toxicology but I also like engineering students who come in who want to get more of a policy focus can do that students who want more of a biology ecology focus can do that but it's also nice for students who aren't quite sure what they want to do because they can take a variety of courses and see what interests them most I have about years of experience in the industry and I find every class has some kind of link to oh yeah I'm handling a situation like that that is directly linked to my economics problem set so it's really fun and exciting when it's applied like that to the real world so my favorite thing about the program at USF has been the accessibility of professors in the class size they're small enough so you get to network with everybody you get to talk at a more personal level the faculty are great they are very accessible by email by phone they really would try to work with your schedule we get to see students for a long time each each day we meet so there's opportunity to build a relationship there in the program I've definitely met some great advisors and professors that have connections in the field and I've been approached by a couple for job opportunities there's a mix of our full-time faculty with a more academic approach they're really working professionals who teach in the program who are come from a wide range of agencies and consulting firms and bring really hands-on current day-to-day experience we have a senior manager in the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission who teaches a course on water policy we have a section chief from EPA region who teaches courses on emergency management the MSC M program is geared to working professionals and if it wasn't I wouldn't be able to to go to grad school a majority of the courses that I took while in the master's program allowed us to go on different field trips restoration ecology and wetland ecology both were really eye-opening because you can learn about it within you can also see your applied knowledge at work when you visit these wetland sites I have a passion for water I feel like this program is using the tools that I need to face the problems that we're going to see in the sector in the future for example I'm learning about climate change and how it doesn't affect the water sector my what I plan for my master project is to look at what integrated water management a scarcity and drought with increase in California I want to make sure that we have appropriate supplies in the future for future generations the colleagues that I've interacted with are amazing not only are we like-minded but we just have a lot of fun together I have the day-to-day experience it's really fun at my job but the intellectual is a little missing I thought it would be the best program to help me choose what I want to do in the future