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MS in International and Development Economics
International and Development Economics students gain the specialized knowledge and analytical skills to understand how market forces are harnessed to empower disadvantaged populations and developing countries in breaking the cycles of poverty.
- Real-World Experience — The required summer overseas research internship offers students the exciting opportunity to apply economic knowledge and skills to real-world scenarios of economic development.
- Practical Training — The program combines our students’ passion for international development with practical, rigorous training in quantitative economics required for development projects.
- Career Opportunities — Our graduates find careers as economists, development policymakers and practitioners, data analysts, and data scientists at international agencies, businesses, and NGOs such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Federal Research Bank, Goldman Sachs, Edgeworth Economics, PG&E, and more.
- Summer Start Program — A unique opportunity for students from non-economics and non-math backgrounds to gain the foundational knowledge required in statistics, calculus and principles of economics.
This master’s program is offered at the main USF campus in the heart of San Francisco.