Imagined Vessels: Ceramics by Paz G, Liz Hernández, Cathy Lu, Maria Porges and Maryam Yousif

Large: Pala 2024; Medium (left): Triplia 2023; Small (right): Achaia #7 2024; sgraffito surface; sgraffito surface, underglaze; 19" x 16" x 12"; 2023-24
Breaking from tradition, Imagined Vessels explores the work of five contemporary artists as they mold stories of personal and cultural identity into ceramic form. On view through Feb. 23, 2205.
Presented by the MA in Museum Studies Curatorial Practicum class led by Professor Paula Birnbaum. Located in the Gleeson Library-Geschke Center, the Thacher Gallery is free and open to the public from 12-6pm daily except during University holidays. Closures: 12/14-15, 12/21-22, 12/24-1/1, 1/20, 2/17.
About the artists:
Paz G is a self-taught ceramic artist who combines ceramic form with messages from their ancestors to create visual songs and poems.
Liz Hernández is an Oakland-based multidisciplinary artist who uses her work to explore, blend, and shift the boundaries between reality and fiction.
Cathy Lu adopts a contemporary and personal perspective on the legacy of Chinese art objects to disrupt collective beliefs about what it means to be Asian American.
Maria Porges is a Bay Area artist and writer whose work has been exhibited widely in solo and group exhibitions over the last 35 years.
Maryam Yousif is a San Francisco-based ceramic artist who uses art to define her identity by forging connections between contemporary and ancient culture.
Located in the Gleeson Library-Geschke Center, the Thacher Gallery is free and open to the public from 12-6pm daily.