Faculty & Staff Achievements

Visionary Leadership in Healthcare

Visionary Leadership in Healthcare is a newly published book that covers all aspects of leadership but centers care and compassion as the foundation.

Being at a critical transition time, as we work our way through the COVID-19 pandemic, it invites readers to explore leadership from a holistic perspective... including the knowledge and skills needed and the social and emotional literacy required. In addition, it guides readers on being more self-aware, present, engaged, and connected with others to co-create new ways of doing our work together to create healthy, healing, and regenerative work environments.

Visionary Leadership in Healthcare book cover

Co-edited by the School of Nursing and Health Professions Professor Dr. Sara Horton-DeutschVisionary Leadership in Healthcare is for all healthcare professionals interested in leading from a more holistic, human-centered way... a way that balances medical science with Caring Science. This book is directed toward graduate programs in nursing and health professionals and for continuing education purposes in healthcare.

In addition to Dr. Horton-Deutsch, the text includes significant author contributions from two other SONHP faculty. Dr. Barbara Sattler’s chapter, “Healthcare Leadership in Planetary and Environmental Health” reminds readers of the integral connection between a healthy planet and healthy people. It explores how leaders can move to address social determinants of health and healing beyond systems to reach communities—Dr. Jim D’Alfonso’s co-authored chapter, “Quantum Caring Leadership: A New Ontology into Practice” with Drs. Jean Watson, Tim Porter O’Grady, Kathy Malloch, and Horton-Deutsch define the intersecting principles of Caring Science and Quantum Leadership and distinguish the unitary principles of wholeness nursing from the separatist principles of healthcare leadership.

Wei, H. & Horton-Deutsch, S. (Eds.) (2022). Visionary Leadership in Healthcare. SIGMA.